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1.     The Nature of the Stars.

1.     行星的性质

In a nativity the all-seeing sun, nature’s fire and intellectual light, the organ of mental perception, indicates kingship, rule, intellect, intelligence, beauty, motion, loftiness of fortune, the ordinance of the gods, judgement, public reputation, action, authority over the masses, the father, the master, friendship, noble personages, honors consisting of pictures, statues, and garlands, high priesthoods, <rule over>one’s country <and over>other places. Of the parts of the body, the sun rules the head; of the sense organs, it rules the right eye; of the trunk, it rules the heart; of the spiritual (i.e. the perceptive) faculties, the nerves. Of materials, it rules gold; of fruits, it rules wheat and barley. It is of the day sect, yellowish, bitter in taste.


The moon, lit by the reflection of the sun’s light and possessing a borrowed light, in a nativity indicates man’s life, body, the mother, conception, <beauty>, appearance, sight, living together (i.e. legitimate marriage), nurture, the older brother, housekeeping, the queen, the mistress of the house, possessions, fortune, the city, the assembly of the people, gains, expenses, the household, voyages, travel and wanderings (it does not provide straight pathways because of Cancer). The moon rules the parts of the body as follows: the left eye, the stomach, the breasts, the breath, the spleen, the dura mater, the marrow (as a result it causes dropsy/moist syndromes). Of materials it rules silver and glass. It is of the night sect, green in color and salty in taste. /2K/


Saturn makes those born under him petty, /2P/ malignant, care-worn, self-depreciating, solitary, deceitful, secretive in their trickery, strict, downcast, with a hypocritical air, squalid, black-clad, importunate, sad-looking, miserable, with a nautical bent, plying waterside trades. Saturn also causes humblings, sluggishness, unemployment, obstacles in business, interminable lawsuits, subversion of business, secrets, imprisonment, chains, griefs, accusations, tears, bereavement, capture, exposures of children. Saturn makes serfs and farmers because of its rule over the land, and it causes men to be renters of property, tax farmers, and violent in action. It puts into one’s hands great ranks and distinguished positions, supervisions, management of others’ property, and the fathership of others’ children. Of materials, it rules lead, wood, and stone. Of the limbs of the body, it rules the legs, the knees, the tendons, the lymph, the phlegm, the bladder, the kidneys, and the internal, hidden organs. Saturn is indicative of injuries arising from cold and moisture, such as dropsy, neuralgia, gout, cough, dysentery, hernia, spasms. It is indicative of these syndromes: possession, homosexuality, and depravity. Saturn makes bachelors and widows, bereavements, and childlessness. It causes violent deaths by water, strangulation, imprisonment, or dysentery. It also causes falling on the face. It is the star of Nemesis; it is of the day sect. It is like castor in color and astringent in taste.


Jupiter indicates childbearing, engendering, desire, loves, political ties, acquaintance, friendships with great men, prosperity, salaries, great gifts, an abundance of crops, justice, offices, officeholding, ranks, authority over temples, arbitrations, trusts, inheritance, brotherhood, fellowship, beneficence, the secure possession of goods, relief from troubles, release from bonds, freedom, deposits in trust, money, stewardships, Of the external body parts it rules the thighs and the feet. (Consequently in the games Jupiter governs the race.) Of the internal parts it rules the sperm, the uterus, the liver, the parts of the right side. Of materials, it rules tin. It is of the day sect. In color it is grey verging on white and is sweet in taste.


Mars indicates force, wars, plunderings, screams, violence, whoring, the loss of property, banishment, exile, alienation from parents, /3P/ capture, the deaths of wives, /3K/ abortions, love affairs, marriages, the loss of goods, lies, vain hopes, strong-armed robbery, banditry, looting, quarrels among friends, anger, fighting, verbal abuse, hatreds, lawsuits. Mars brings violent murders, slashings and bloodshed, attacks of fever, ulceration, boils, burns, chains, torture, masculinity, false oaths, wandering, embassies under difficult circumstances, actions involving fire or iron, craftwork, masonry. In addition Mars causes commands, campaigns and leadership, infantrymen, governorships, hunting, wild game, falls from heights or from animals, weak vision, strokes. Of the body parts, Mars rules the head, the seat, the genitals; of the internal parts, it rules the blood, the sperm ducts, the bile, the elimination of excrement, the parts in the rear, the back, and the underside. It controls the hard and the abrupt. Of materials, it rules iron, decoration of clothing (because of Aries), as well as wine and beans. It is of the night sect, red in color and acid in taste.


Venus is desire and love. It indicates the mother and nurture. It makes priesthoods, school superintendencies, high offices with the right to wear a gold ring or a crown, cheerfulness, friendship, companionship, the acquisition of property, the purchase of ornaments, agreements on favorable terms, marriages, pure trades, fine voices, a taste for music, sweet singing, beauty, painting, mixing of colors both in embroidery, dyeing, and unguent making. <Venus makes> the inventors and masters of these crafts, as well as craftsmanship or trade, and work in emeralds, precious stones, and ivory. Within its terms and degrees in the zodiac, Venus causes men to be gold-spinners, gold workers, barbers, and people fond of cleanliness and toys. It bestows the office of supervisor of weights and measures, the standards of weights and measures, markets, factories, the giving and receiving <of gifts>, laughter, good cheer, ornamentation, and hunting in moist places. Venus gives benefits from royal women or from one’s own, and it brings very high rank when it operates in such affairs, Of the parts of the body, it rules the neck, the face, the lips, the sense of smell, the front parts from the feet to the head, the parts of intercourse; of the inner parts /4P/ it rules the lungs. It is a recipient of support from others and of pleasure. Of materials /4K/ it rules precious stones and fancy jewelry. Of fruits it rules the olive. It is of the night sect, white in color, very greasy in taste.


Mercury indicates education, letters, disputation, reasoning, brotherhood, interpretation, embassies, number, accounts, geometry, markets, youth, games, theft, association, communication, service, gain, discoveries, obedience, sport, wrestling, declamation, certification, supervision, weighing and measuring, the testing of coinage, hearing, versatility. It is the bestower of forethought and intelligence, the lord of brothers and of younger children, and the creator of all marketing and banking. In its own character, it makes temple builders, modelers, sculptors, doctors, secretaries, legal advisors, orators, philosophers, architects, musicians, prophets, diviners, augurs, dream interpreters, braiders, weavers, systematic physicians, those in charge of war and strategy, and those undertaking any unusual, systematic work in accounting or with reasoning. Mercury makes weight lifters and mimes, those making their livelihood with displays of skill, deception, gambling, or sleight of hand. It also rules those skilled interpreters of the heavens, those who by using pleasure or winning charm, earn fame for their amazing feats—all for the sake of gain. This star’s effects go in many directions, depending on the changes of the zodiac and the interactions of the stars, and yields quite varied results: knowledge for some, selling for others, service for others, trade or teaching for others, farming or temple service or public <employment> for still others. To some it grants authority, rentals, labor contracting, rhythmical performance, the display of public service, the acquisition of personal attendants or the right of wearing temple-linen, robed in the luxury appropriate to gods or rulers. As for the end result—Mercury will make everything capricious in outcome and quite disturbed. Even more, it causes those having this star in malefic signs or degrees to become even worse. Of the parts of the body, it rules the hands, the shoulders, the fingers, the joints, the belly, the sense of hearing, the arteries, /5P/ the intestines, the tongue. Of materials, it rules /5K/ copper and all coins used in buying and selling—for the god makes exchanges. …<It is blue in color, sharp in taste.>


The benefic stars which are appropriately and favorably situated bring about their proper effects according to their own nature and the nature of their sign, with the aspects and conjunctions of each star being blended. If however they are unfavorably situated, they are indicative of reversals. In the same way even the malefic stars, when they are operative in appropriate places in their own sect, are bestowers of good and indicative of the greatest positions and success; when they are inoperative, they bring about disasters and accusations.


Each star is the ruler of its own “element” in the universe with reference to <the stars’> sympathy or antipathy or mutual influence. Their <aspects> are blended according the their “applications” or separations,” their “superior aspects” or “blockages,” their “attendance,” their “ray-shooting,” or the approach” of their masters. The moon becomes the ruler of foresight, the sun the ruler of light, Saturn the ruler of ignorance and necessity, Jupiter the ruler of rank, crowns and zeal. Mars becomes the ruler of action and effort, Venus the ruler of love, desire, and beauty, Mercury the ruler of law, friendship, and trust. These stars have their own effects…


Now that these matters have been settled, the nature of the twelve signs must be mentioned.





2.     The Nature of the Twelve Zodiacal Signs.

2.     十二黄道星座的性质



21.  The Combinations of the Stars.

21.  行星的联结

Let us append the associations and combinations of each star.


When Saturn and Jupiter are together, they are in agreement with each other, and they bring about benefits from legacies and adoptions, and they cause men to be masters of property consisting of land, to be guardians, managers of others’ property, stewards, and tax gatherers.


Saturn and Mars are hostile, productive of reversals and ruin. They bring family quarrels, disharmony, and hatred, along with treachery, plots, malevolence, and trials. However, if these stars are not in their own or in operative signs, and if they have benefics in aspect, they produce distinguished and noble nativities, although unsteady in their happiness and prone to unexpected dangers and treachery.


/37P/ Saturn and Mercury are allies and productive of activities/employment. They do, however, bring slanders about religion, lawsuits, and debts, as well as disturbances about written matters and money. On the other hand, these stars make men who are not without resources and not unintelligent, with much experience and awareness, and who are curious, far-seeing scholars, seekers after mystic lore, revering the gods, but with much on their consciences.


Saturn and Venus act harmoniously with respect to activities/employment: /38K/ they promote success with respect to entanglements and marriage, agreeing and beneficial only for a time, not to the end. Indeed they cause abuse, divorces, inconstancy, and death, often entangling men with the base-born and the lowly, and causing them to fall into harm and lawsuits.


Saturn and the moon are beneficial, productive of money, estates, ship ownership, and profits from the deceased, especially if the moon happens to be in the part of its orbit just following first visibility and has benefics in aspect. Then it causes association with the great, gifts, and the discomfiture of enemies. This combination, however, is unsteady with respect to possession, and with respect to women it is insecure and painful because of separations, hatred, and grief. It also produces bodily suffering, sudden fits, pains of the governing faculties and nerves, as well as the deaths of important figures.

土星和月亮是有益的,会带来财富,地产,船舶所有权,以及继承遗产,特别是当月亮处于first visibility的容许度范围内以及和土星有吉相位。就会带来伟大,礼物以及敌人的溃败。然而这种联结在财产方面又并不稳定,对于女性来说又象征分离,憎恨,不幸引起的不安全,痛苦。它也能导致肉体上的折磨,突然发作,支配官能和神经的痛苦,以及名人的死亡。

Saturn and the sun are at odds, giving and taking away possessions and friendships maliciously. Therefore those born under such a juncture suffer secret enmities and threats from great persons and are plotted against by some and live hated to the end. Playing their part well, they outlive most <of their enemies>. They are, however, not without resources, but are disturbed and long-suffering. They are self-controlled in this onslaught of reversals.




When Jupiter and the sun are together, they produce noble and distinguished men, rulers, governors, dictators, vigorous men, honored and blessed by the crowd. These men are wealthy, rich, living with much spectacle. Sometimes however they are involved in uncertainties and /38P/ hostility. Especially if the star <Jupiter> is found to be setting, they resort to greater showiness and make a pretense of the truth.


Jupiter and the moon are good, acquisitive: they cause men to be masters of adornments and slaves, and they bestow distinguished offices and ranks. They cause men to benefit from women and distinguished individuals, to be treated well by family and children, and to be thought worthy of gifts and honors. They make treasurers, men who lend much, who are trusted, and who find treasures and become wealthy.


/39K/ Jupiter and Mars make glorious and showy characters, friends of the great or of kings, distinguished governors and receivers of stipends, those making a career in public affairs or in campaigns, and those considered worthy of honor and status, but uncertain in their livelihoods and habits, tossing away their possessions.


Jupiter and Venus are good, in harmony, productive of rank and profits, bringing new acquisitions, gifts, adornments, control over slaves, rulerships, the begetting of children, high priesthoods, preeminence among the masses, honors of garlands and gold crowns. These stars make men who are worthy of statues and images, but they also make them subject to ups and downs with respect to marriages and children.


Jupiter and Mercury are good, in harmony, and supervisory. They make men who are managers, overseers of affairs, in posts of trust and administration. They make men who are successful as secretaries and accountants and who are respected in education. These are approachable people with many friends, judged worthy of pay and stipends. If Jupiter and Mercury are found in operative signs, they make men discoverers of treasures, or moneylenders who profit from cash deposits.




naza nb



虽然很难客观和信实 我还是试了一句😃



引用于 nazarite 在 2019年7月23日, 下午8:12



2.     The Nature of the Twelve Zodiacal Signs.

2.     十二黄道星座的性质






































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